Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Craig & Lisa - Locust Grove, Churchill Downs, Engagement

I must say, I was very excited to begin my blog with this couple's photos. Lisa and I met about three summers ago when we were both in an American Sign Language class together at UofL. After enduring three semesters of a class where you are unable to speak once you enter the room, needless to say we bonded and have remained friends. Along the way I became friends with Craig as well. These two are high school sweethearts, and after years of everyone asking, "When you are finally going to get married?".... the time has come.

When Lisa and I discussed their photos she gave me only two big requests, 1) "We want some with the dogs", 2) "We want some at Churchill Downs." If someone were to ask me, tell me only two things that Craig and Lisa have in common, I would likely say, their love for dogs, and their love for the Kentucky Derby! (fyi Craig's dog is named Derby.. go figure!) So when I say I shoot people and try to capture who they really are, the nail was hit straight on the head in this shoot.

Derby and Lexi stole the show for the first hour of our shoot as Lisa and Craig realized that man's best friend can be man's worst nightmare when you need them to sit still for photos. However, after much persuading and wrestling with the dogs, their part was a success. After a few solo shots at Locust Grove it was off to Churchill Downs and what I think was the most enjoyable part of our day. Craig's uncle was generous to lend them his owner's pass which granted us access to the backside. The pictures of them on the track are some of my favorite images out of the thousands of photos I have taken through the years.

If there is one thing that I hope comes through in these photos, it is how much fun this couple has together. I've been to various events, parties, and even a week long cruise with them and they are always laughing and joking with one another, and sometimes about one another, but all in good fun!

Lisa and Craig, hope you enjoy this little sneak peek! :)


Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello Blogging World!

So everyone asks me all the time, WHY DONT YOU HAVE A BLOG? My answer to this has been plain and simple... "I'm studying, writing papers, preparing for my BFA exhibition, doing this, doing that, my head may explode, I just haven't had time to sit down and create a blog!" ....

Now being a recent college graduate and having a few things off my plate, I had a moment to sit down and finally create this blog! I am excited to share with you what I am working on here and there, and showing my candid photos from time to time. Seeing as how this is my first blog, I don't have much to comment on, however I do promise to flood this thing with my favorite images from here on!